Welcome to www.kociak.org, the homepage of Jerzy Kociatkiewicz. This site is dedicated to my academic interests, which currently include the everyday experience of organizing, narrativity, organizational space and symbolism, as well as organization theory and marketing studies more generally. Please use the navigation bar on the left to select the pages you wish to view. Note that the Writings section contains links to full versions of many of my texts (though the formatting mostly does not follow the published version, due to copyright restrictions). Just click on the full text button to download the relevant text

My PhD thesis, entitled "The Social Construction of Space in a Computerized Environment," is also available for your delectation. full text

The following address works best for contacting me, whether your purpose is academic or not:

Jerzy Kociatkiewicz
Institut Mines-Télécom Business School
9 Rue Charles Fourier
91011 Évry Cedex

e-mail: kociak@kociak.org

Recently Published:

Academic Journal Articles:

Jerzy Kociatkiewicz and Monika Kostera (eds, 2024) How to Do Social Science that Matters Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 204 p.

This holistic How to guide provides practical advice on conducting meaninfgul research within the social sciences, focusing on practices which are sensitive and bespoke. Mapping out the field and inviting further exploration, its insights reflect lessons from a wide variety of social science research projects, all of which have crucial epistemological and methodological consequences.

Drawing on diverse experiences of international and interdisciplinary scholars, How to Do Social Science that Matters presents methodology as a result of choices and stances related to values, context, and research interest. Each chapter focuses on one particular perspective, considering relationships, systemic inequalities, mutual meanings, and heterodoxy. A vast range of techniques are employed to conceptualise meaningful research methods, from ethnographies to poetry. Ultimately, this How to guide foregrounds the importance of impactful social science in peacemaking and building understanding.

Centring a truly innovative perspective on social science analysis, this book is a crucial resource for students and scholards of management, organisation studies and research methods. It also appeals to those across the social sciecnes who wish to learn more about crafting purposeful and sensitive methodology.

Zygmunt Bauman, Irena Bauman, Jerzy Kociatkiewicz, and Monika Kostera (2015) Management in a Liquid Modern World. Cambridge: Polity, 160 p.

Management has been one of the driving forces of the last century, indeed an idea and a language that colonized most other institutions, areas of human activity and walks of life, even those that had until recently been regarded as completely unmanageable, such as art, academia and creativity. Some it supported and others it destroyed, but there are few areas in modern societies that have been untouched by it.

What is the meaning of management now almost omnipresent and all-powerful in our current bleak times, in our current state of ‘interregnum’ that is characterized by an increasing sense of insecurity and hopelessness, a time when, paradoxically, the seemingly omnipotent force of management does not seem to work? Does it have a role to play today and in the future? What can it become and whom should it serve when the interregnum is over and a new, hopefully more humane, system begins to dawn?

These are some of the questions explored in this timely new book by Zygmunt Bauman, one of the greatest thinkers of our times, architect and Urban Studies professor Irena Bauman, and two organization and management scholars, Jerzy Kociatkiewicz and Monika Kostera.

Recently, elswewhere:

Timothy Pachirat's (2018) "Among Wolves" is the most interesting book about ethnography I have read in quite a long time and, in presenting itself as a play in seven acts, ditches the traditional scholarly presentation of a methodological monograph. The book is most certainly worth a read, and I will be heartily recommending it to my students. But it is also a glorious failure.